BioRisk Reduction's
Infectious Disease Membership Program
BioRisk Reduction’s Infectious Disease Professional Membership Program aims to bring together Infectious Disease Professionals from the Laboratory, Health care, Public Health, and Policymakers. It is BioRisk Reduction’s aim to remove barriers between the aforementioned Infectious Disease professionals to promote and develop universal best practices. We believe this is the beginning of a uniform approach across professional demographics and regions of the world as BioRisk Reduction serves in an international capacity.
Our programs are tailored to both aspiring, new, and experienced infectious disease professionals.
$59 per year (withdrawn annually)
$129 3-years * ($43 withdrawn annually)
$20 High School and College Student: *
Proof of Student ID required
Must have academic good standing with GPA of 2.5 or higher
Affiliate Membership:
School, Organization, Business
$25 per person
$30 per person
500-1000 Members
$35 per person
100-500 Members
$40 per person
25-100 Members
$45 per person
10-25 Members
Membership Includes
Virtual Certificate for Annual Membership and for Attending Included Membership Events
50-80 minutes with a 10-minute Question and Answer Session
First Friday of March, June, September, & December from 3:30-5 PM EST
15% Discount to BioRisk Reduction Virtual Training Programs (membership program excluded)
Membership to BioRisk Reduction’s Infectious Disease Professional Listserv
Get Professional Advice to Utilize in your Career or Academic coursework
Learn proactively through other's questions and interactions
First Consideration for BioRisk Reduction Team Interview (2 of our 4 monthly interview slots)
Cost for Annual Membership
With purchase of membership, you authorize BioRisk Reduction to withdraw funds annually.
Membership is Non Refundable.
May cancel at anytime*
Schedule subject to change or be rearranged up to 2-weeks before a scheduled event
Purchase Memberships
BioRisk Reduction's
Infectious Disease Membership Program
BioRisk Reduction Yearly Membership
59$Every yearÂBioRisk Reduction 3 Year Membership
129$Every 3 yearsÂBioRisk Reduction Student Membership
20$Every yearÂ